
Saturday, August 19, 2006

LAMPUNG, life point

LAMPUNG, Southern Andalas

(If you do not enjoy the English, please go below and read the Indonesian version)

(Jika anda tidak menikmati bacaan Inggrisnya, langsung lompat ke bawah untuk versi bahasa Indonesia)

This blog actually dedicated to Computer topic. Especially LINUX. And in English.
But, the memory of us (hey! everybody) lead me to spend some space for you all.

Anyway, my computer wallpaper is set to our photos. Sweet memory, hope it would last long.
I myself have an inner life engage with my trainer at AL2002 Semarang. It always a joy to see Bu Justi Pattikawa again.

Thanks for the T-Shirt, especially the comment. That was encouraging. And is still encouraging.

Here are my comment for you, if you want specific feedback, please contact me by personal path: jatiangoro@yahoo.com. I'll reply to you then.

She has a pretty name: Amelia Rachmawati, but enjoy her nick name Tamik (not Tami, but Tamik). She is eager. Willing. She enjoy the dance practice, working on the garden project, and contacting the student. It always help a lot for the trainer to have a enthusiastic trainee. She told me about her family, openness. glad to know her.
She look hesitated to know me at the first time. I know now that's because she got a distorted information about me.
Guess she had changed her mind about me. hope so. Please tell Meyti. She was quiet but faithfull to serve. Notify her seriousness in cleaning Jarot house? She is senior than the other but took her humbly part. Her heart is belong to God.
She stays in one town with me. But we know each other in Lampung. Is that correct Indri? It was nice working with her. She always OK with my plan. no arguing. Working hard. and support the trainer. Thank you.
Wonderfull girl. Enthusiastic. She is a smart girl. She is my friendster friend. With all her metropolis culture around, she still willing to be trained in remote universiy.
She cheered us up, did she? She was the first to get the contact to UNILA student. She was willing to teach us sing, dance. Warm personality. She enjoy our time, and lot of capacity to do every task.
I had no chance to talk with her. She is so shy with me. But I saw her talked openly with Retno. She was willing working hard. She do the dirty part in the gardening session.
She was not the trainee. She help me a lot, with her diligence decision and action. She really hear you all the girls, did she girls? I actually just knew her.
Nice man. He was calm but diligence. Hard working guy. He burned the CD all night. He heard what I plan and responded diligence. We can count on him.
I think he still remember me because of the Juragan Klinsman. Nice to meet him. He had a full motivation to be trained, to learn to share the gospel. He was really really hope to learn from my life. Actually I learn from his life story. A man of God.
He helped us even when we had not arrived to Lampung. Look at his generosity. He tried his best to look after us in Lampung. Hard working guy. He heard what I said and obeyed his trainer. He told me his life and trust me. He he.
Marek Samekto is his real name. what a surprise, he is my friends brother. He is enthusiastic with ministry and enjoy the show business. thanks.

Indonesian Version
Versi Indonesia.

Blog ini sebenarnya dikhususkan untuk topik komputer. Khususnya LINUX. Dan dalam bahasa Inggris. Tetapi kenangan diantara kita (hai! semua)membuatku meluangkan tempatnya untuk kalian semua

tahu gak, wallpaper komputer saya adalah foto kita. Kenangan indah, semoga terkenang terus. Saya sendiri memiliki ikatan batin dengan pelatih saya waktu AL2002 Semarang. Selalu menggembirakan untuk bertemu kembali dengan Bu Justi Pattikawa.

Terima kasih buat T-shirtnya, terutama komentarnya. Sungguh membesarkan hati, dan masih membesarkan hati.

Berikut komentar untuk teman-teman, jika menginginkan komentar yang lebih spesifik, silahkan hubungi saya lewat jalur pribadi: jatianggoro@yahoo.com. Nanti saya balas.

Dia punya nama bagus: Amelia Rachmawati, tetapi menikmati nama panggilannya Tamik (bukan Tami, tetapi Tamik). Dia penuh semangat. Rela. Dia menikmati latihan menari, dan kerja kebun, dan mengontak mahasiswa. Sangat menolong bagi pelatih karena memiliki anggota yang antusias. Dia menceritakan mengenai keluarganya. Keterbukaan. Senang mengenalnya.

Dia kelihatan ragu mengenal saya ketika baru pertama ketemu. Sekarang saya tahu sebabnya karena dia mendapat informasi yang bias mengenai saya. kayaknya dia sudah berubah pikiran sekarang. Tolong bilang ke Meyti ya (Pembimbingnya). Dia pendiam tapi setia melayani. Memperhatikan keseriusannya membersihkan rumah Jarot? Dia senior dibandingkan teman-temannya tetapi mengambil bagian untuk rendah hati. Hatinya pada Tuhan.

Dia tinggal satu kota dengan saya. tapi kami saling mengenal di Lampung. Ya kan nDri? Senang bekerjasama dengan dia. Dia selalu OK dengan rencana saya. Tidak membantah. bekerja keras dan mendukung pelatihnya. Terima kasih.

Gadis yang istimewa. Antusias. Dia gadis cerdas. teman friendster ku. Dengan latar belakang metropolisnya, dia rela dilatih di kampus pelosok.

Dia menggembirakan kita semua kan? Dia yang pertama mendapat kontak mahasiswa UNILA. Rela mengajar kita menyanyi, menari. Pribadi yang hangat. Menikmati kebersamaan kita, dan berkapasitas besar menyelesaikan semua tugas.

Saya tak ada kesempatan berbicara dengannya. Dia malu sekali padaku. Tapi saya meperhatikannya berbicara terbuka dengan Retno. Dia rela bekerja keras. dia yang melakukan kerja yang susah pada sesi berkebun.

dia bukan peserta latihan. banyak sekali membantu saya, dengan keputusan dan tindakan yang tepat. Dia mendengarkan kalian semua para gadis, ya nggak?

Orang baik. Tenang tapi cerdas. Pekerja keras. dia lembur membakar CD untuk kita. Mendengarkan rencana saya dan merespon dengan cerdas. Kita bisa mengandalkannya.

Saya rasa dia masih mengingat saya karena “Juragan Klinsman.” Senang mengenalnya. Dia sangat termotivasi untuk berlatih dan belajar membagi Injil. Dia benar-benar berharap belajar dari hidup saya. Sebenarnya saya yang belajar dari cerita hidupnya. Hatinya pada Tuhan.

Dia telah membantu kita sejak kita belum sampai Lampung. Lihatlah kemurahan hatinya. Dia mencoba yang terbaik untuk memelihara kita di Lampung. Pekerja keras. Dia mendengarkan saya dan mematuhi pelatihnya. Dia menceritakan hidupnya dan mempercayai saya. he he.

Marek Samekto adalah nama aslinya. Kejutannya dia adalah adik teman saya. Dia antusias terhadap pelayanan dan menikmati sesi penampilan hiburan kita. terima kasih.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Last 48 hours was 'wasted' for virus attack.

Luckily I still enjoy the learning part.

My Windows computer friends was infected by some virus wellknown as 'brontok'. In Indonesian, this word have awful phonetic meaning. It's sound closely like 'rontok' which mean falling down. Such as the falling down of leaves from the tree branch or the hair from the skullskin. If that word applied to computer, wow!

So, this virus creates false folder named similar with real folder from the computer. Just like another trendy virus, it actualy not a folder at all. It's a living program, with *.exe. If the computer 'folder option' set with 'show file extension', you can see the exe extension. For you who use Linux, you'll never see it as folder ofcourse. he he he.

So what's the damage part? the computer will feeled slower. And it's very very contagious. Flashdisk will be it's major vehicle.

I still can understand that some people really need to use Microsoft Windows (which is badly hited by a lot of virus, but for regular user which use regular application for regular task such us office application, sounds like that will be a lot safer for them to use Linux.

Another friend of mine, ask me if I could erased a virus from her floppy disk. Fortunately I brought my Debian Knoppix 3.2 Live CD with 2.4.21 kernel. So just boot live, and erase it from that floppy. Oh, it's not that easy man!

The computer I got there didn't support vesa driver enclosed by 3.2 Knoppix. So I logged in in text mode. Then I renew the password. I had experience that it will be needed to renew password for some 'root' activity.

mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy



Look at that. yes there is ~Temp45.doc that suspected as virus by her, but we also had 'tugas akhir.exe'. Obviously that was another virus. I think that file will displayed as folder in Microsoft Windows.

I tried to recover that file just in case it was a real MS Word file. So I copied it with another name tugasakhir.doc and erased the original file.

She then speculatifly open her floppy on her windows98 with AVG virus detector.

So? AVG deleted that doc file because it clasified the file as a trojan.

hmmmp-----..... confusing. Which one shoul be blame. The virus creator, the windows user, the community that trap in one major operating system, or me myself that too busy to worry about enjoyable things.

By the way, you should try XOSL. Extended Operating Sistem L....... It is a small program that stay on the MBR part of the HD and give something like LILO or GRUB ( I guess it deeper than them) and offer which OS do you want to boot with.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

USB flashdisk on LINUX

Ok or not OK, but we have enter the USB flashdisk era.

Include for LINUX user.

Yeah, we (linux user) often leaved behind in new hardware technology.
Not too behind I guess, cause I can detect pretty good USB device on my UBUNTU hoary hedhodge ( ... is it the correct spell..).

Last night I detect USB card reader (the one we use for handphone MMC.
Some Nokia Handphone detect very well also.
No problem for usual flashdisk ofcourse.
The one problem occured on multi card reader. This device can attach 9 kinds of memory card. Hope this one already OK on the next release of ubuntu.

Fedora Core 4 had been said very nice also in detecting flashdisk. They were not too OK in release FC2.

Knoppix 3.2 could do some good detection, but not as comprehensive as this Ubuntu. Knoppix 3.2 use 2.4.21 Kernel. Knoppix 3.8 must be use higher release kernel and detect much more comprehence.

I'v tried Suse 9.1. Pitty, this Suse release, just exactly the problem, get a difficulty in their USB support. It is because the kernel Suse use for this release. I don't know but they must be get better on next release, haven't they get their reputation on hardware?

Mandrake? 10.0 detect most USB flashdisk. They don't do well on portable USB harddisk. Does ubuntu do that? I haven't tried. Mandrake done well on digital camera. Ubuntu? you can count on that nice distro. Ubuntu will offer you to copy the image on the camera by default. Mandrake 9.1not too complete on detecting USB flashdisk.

today, I learned how to format a USB flashdisk.
Remember fsck, mkfs. Wow, almost forget.
Someone use Knoppix 3.8 with it's QTparted to format USB Flashdisk. I only had the 3.2, and the remaster version on mine erase the QTparted.

So, I tried : mkfs -t vfat -v /dev/sda

The result was: would no do on full-disk device.

Yeah. this flash disk was error. Anyway, why do someone need to format their flashdisk unless it got error?

So, I tried: mkfs /dev/sda. This one default use ext2 file system. Ofcourse it is not very OK. MS Windows does not include detecting Linux file system. Luckly, it doesn't viceversa.
The ext2 also drive me too use only root log on. Yeah, this Ubuntu had it problem in this log in area.

The "mkfs -t vfat /dev/sda" also suggested to use -I. I don't understand how to use this command. Google showed me then. Just add it on the line.

mkfs -t vfat -I -v /dev/sda

It run well. Just need to try on some MS Windows for sure.
I 'll let you know the result.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Learn again

Finally, I learn again

I'v just learn how to put photo to my blog.

Blogger.com give me shortcut to their free URL photos. They belong to Google, so it run to Google facility for URL. It is called Hello. But they give me an Windows type installer for this "hello". So good bye.

Let search by Google. I found www.villagephotos.com. This one friendly to non windows user. he he he.

So just sign-up, and they gave me URL.http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-12/1120343/serie-aBW.jpg

wow. This is learning.

I'v just always pass this question for my comment on somebody else blog. And wonder where all this guys put their photos?

So. I'v got an URL.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

tulisan pertama

tes aja sih